
New Delegation Breakdown and Bundles Updates

We've focused on enhancing your experience on Boardroom, and with our latest release, we've added new Active, Inactive, and Ghost Delegation breakdowns for supported projects and updated the Bundled Wallet feature.

Delegation Breakdowns

We've introduced a detailed breakdown of delegates, for all projects with delegation, making it easier to identify active, inactive, and ghost delegates within your governance ecosystem. 

  • Active: A delegate is considered active if they have voted on at least 1 of the last three proposals
  • Inactive: A delegate is considered inactive if they have not voted on any of the last three proposals but have voted on at least one proposal in the past
  • Ghost: A delegate is considered a ghost if they have never voted on any proposal

Bundles Update
Unlock the power of Bundles with your Access Card subscription. Bundle your wallets and gain access to aggregated profile views of votes and proposals.