Tried to self-delegate and txn failed

Theo Gonella

I've tried to deposit more ZRX into the governance system and delegate some to me.
I am already delegating some to other addresses.

When trying to delegate to myself, transaction reverted.
I would have expected to be able to delegate the 100k ZRX I just deposited to myself, while keeping the previous delegations


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Jasmine Sabio

Status changed to: Closed


Jasmine Sabio

Status changed to: Under review


Jasmine Sabio

Hey Theo, 0x contracts don't allow a delegation of different amounts of vote power to multiple wallets. Can you walk us through how your transaction for delegation was created using the UI? We are unable to replicate the failed transaction you encountered.


Theo Gonella

sorry for replying only now. Apologies, I missed that part about 0x contracts allowing for just an 'update' of the whole wZRX delegation.

Maybe a question I have for you is: assume this flow
- user deposits 100 ZRX, receives 100 wZRX
- user delegates to voter A
- user deposits 200 ZRX, receives 200 wZRX

What's their voting power like? Is it 300 to voter A? Or something different


Jasmine Sabio

Yes Voter A will have a total of 300 VP.