Should not allow out-of-scope proposals for protocol governor

  • Live


When making a proposal, out-of-scope protocol proposals should not be allowed, i.e. the Target Address should either be the exchange proxy contract or a dropdown of addresses (displayed with a human-readable name).
The "Method" dropdown displayed _SetNewAdmin as default value, which is probably an internal mathod but not sure why first char is uppercase as functions are lowercase. The list of methods should probably be filtered by methods that are non "stateMutability":"view" in the contract ABI as those are read methods.


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Status changed to: Live


Jasmine Sabio

hi gab, thanks for your feedback.

for proposal creation target address, the smart contracts allow different target addresses & we don't want to restrict it to a select number of addresses. this functionality is inline with the rest of the projects we support with boardroom.io.

we have updated the default value shown for method & have updated the list of methods.


Jasmine Sabio

*internal boardroom notes* need live sync on scope of proposal creation



obviously when making treasury proposals this will change as the treasury will interact with other contracts, i.e. tokens and potentially any other smart contract deemed useful for the treasury. Therefore, the Target Address section should be displayed differently according the proposal being a protocol or treasury proposal.