Feedback on voter profile page

  • Live

Theo Gonella

I was expecting to find a way to delegate to a voter directly from their page

I personally don't find intuitive the 'Exit Profile' button on top with overlay


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Jasmine Sabio

Status changed to: Live


Jasmine Sabio

Hi Theo, when you hover over a project that the user is a delegate for, a 1-click delegation link will pop up. This allows for delegating to a voter directly on a user's profile.


Theo Gonella

thanks Jasmine, I've tried to copy the link and open it in another tab but here's what I end up having

PS: I have already delegated voting power, shouldn't I be able to switch it to this new voter?

the copied link is


Theo Gonella

also, have you considered having a 'delegate' button directly replacing the copy/paste pattern? I don't find it very intuitive. If it's too complicated to trigger the delegate flow in the same page, maybe opening a new tab to trigger that instead of copy/paste would be better imo