Delegation from 2 weeks ago wasn't registered

Theo Gonella

I am pretty sure I had delegated 3 weeks ago but when I entered the dashboard I was not able to vote because it showed I had 0 voting power.

I had to re-deposit and delegate again but still I wasn't able to vote on any existing votes


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Theo Gonella

also, I am not able to visualize my current allocation
You can see from my balance that I used 150k wZRX to delegate in 2 operations

I would need to show the allocation of my delegation


Theo Gonella

Actually just now I had delegated an additional 50k ZRX and when refreshing the page it shows I have 0 Voting power

You can see I have used 150k wZRX to delegate from the balance, but voting power is 0



Carl Gocht

The site shows you have zero vote power because you are delegating all wZRX to this address 0x292c6DAE7417B3D31d8B6e1d2EeA0258d14C4C4b


Theo Gonella

ah got it! I think it's a bit confusing for the user to not see their delegated power. I see you point on not having any voting power left, but once it's delegated, how do I know who I delegated it to? How can I un-delegate it to redistribute it?